Our Latest Inventory with Personalized Video Call Purchasing

Make a reservation at +8613922241999 to take advantage of our personalized video shopping. You can browse all of our most recent inventory as well as any other goods you like.

In order to make a video call, you must have WhatsApp installed on the device you are calling from (remember to use WiFi).

Please be informed that our WhatsApp video shopping service does not fall under our standard mail order Terms & condition. this is a custom shopping service, orders placed through it are handled differently than ones placed online.

With video purchasing, next-day shipment is not assured, and some discounts and offers might not be valid due to the time and resources this service requires. Please speak to your video shopping assistant if you have any inquiries or special requests regarding delivery or stock; we will do our best to meet your needs.

Schedule a visit to our office/warehouse here.